Triangle Ramadan
Ramadan in Triangle
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Islamic Association of Raleigh

Taraweh Taraweeh will be offered each night after Isha with witr after eight and after twenty rakaat (units of prayer). Babysitting will be provided
Daily Iftars
InshaAllah, IAR will be offering drive-through Iftar (evening) meal service during the month of Ramadan,
Those in need, refugees, travelers, and those alone during Ramadan can pick up their Iftar meal to go between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.
Meals will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
We are excited to serve over 5,000 individuals during the month, including those joining us for Suhoor in the final ten nights of Ramadan. If you would like to sponsor an Iftar, please use this link. Your generous donations are used by IAR’s very own Al-Ma’idah Kitchen & Café to cook delicious and nutritious meals for the community.
The daily Iftar service is reserved solely for those who need it. If you are in a position where you can offset the cost of your meal, we highly encourage you to do so (each meal costs your masjid $13.50).
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